The Hidden Arts is a tattoo shop located in Harrisburg Pennsylvania. This Tattoo company was developed by Earl Broggin in 2012 after an extensive, aggressive mentor-ship in Trenton New Jersey and in 2007 under Chris Matisa in Lynchburg Virginia. During this time, Earl worked along side and was trained by Joey Matisa who is a well known tattoo artist and was featured in the highly reputable “INKED” magazine and the television show “Best Ink”.
When Earl moved to Harrisburg he found it was difficult to land a job in the tattoo industry because most Harrisburg tattoo shops were fully staffed. Earl knew that doing what he loved in Harrisburg was not going to be as easy a task as he envisioned. So opened his owned shop and named it “The Hidden Arts” and has had enough success in the last seven years existence to open a shop now on Walnut Street.
Shop Info
2448 Walnut Street
Harrisburg PA 17103
phone number:
Shop Hours
Tues-Fri:9am-1pm 5pm-10pm
Saturday 1pm-8pm